Filtering by: Rocks Karma Arrows

ROCKS, KARMA, ARROWS Film Screening and Conversation
6:00 PM18:00

ROCKS, KARMA, ARROWS Film Screening and Conversation

  • Canyon Theater at the Boulder Public Library (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Rocks Karma Arrows is a film of Motus Theater’s multimedia contemporary theater piece of the same name that explores Boulder history through the lens of race and class. Historical figures, like the great Chief Niwot (Nowoo3, pronounced “Na-waath”), come alive to tell the story of the early founding of Boulder and the massacre at Sand Creek. Interviews with local historians and Buddhist monks are woven with historical photographs and film into the drama. At times the photographic images completely take over 180° of the theatrical space so that actors are literally immersed in the history – interacting with the photos, struggling with the voices of the past, and trying to understand how those voices echo in the present. 

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