Filtering by: Motus Playback Theater
Motus Playback Theater - Boulder Arts Week
7:00 PM19:00

Motus Playback Theater - Boulder Arts Week

Motus Theater invites you to a special adventure of improvisational theater where you share a short reflection or a story, and then watch a diverse group of professional improv actors enact YOUR story on the spot using movement, music, and dramatic spoken word. The stories may be funny or sad; memories from long ago or yesterday. The audience and performers co-create a theater event whose subject is the life experiences of the people attending the show. Join us for an abundant exchange interconnecting our shared humanity through music, story, poetry, and improv theater.

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Immigrants: We Get the Job Done with Motus Playback Theater
1:30 PM13:30

Immigrants: We Get the Job Done with Motus Playback Theater

our story matters. Your voice deserves to be heard.

Join Motus Playback Theater for a powerful afternoon where immigrant stories take center stage. Share a personal experience—whether joyful, challenging, or deeply meaningful—and see it brought to life through improv, movement, music, and spoken word.

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Motus Playback Theater
7:00 PM19:00

Motus Playback Theater

Motus Theater invites you to a special adventure of improvisational theater where you share a short reflection or a story, and then watch a diverse group of professional improv actors enact YOUR story on the spot using movement, music, and dramatic spoken word. The stories may be funny or sad; memories from long ago or yesterday. The audience and performers co-create a theater event whose subject is the life experiences of the people attending the show. Join us for an abundant exchange interconnecting our shared humanity through music, story, poetry, and improv theater.

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Bolder. Boulder. Better. With Motus Playback Theater at the City Council Chambers!
2:00 PM14:00

Bolder. Boulder. Better. With Motus Playback Theater at the City Council Chambers!

  • Penfield Tate II Municipal Building, Boulder City Council Chambers (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

What is your vision for Boulder over the next 20 years? What community issues are most important to you? What community assets are unseen or underutilized in the Boulder Valley that could support our shared future? Do you want to feel seen and heard by policy writers for the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan?

Motus Theater invites you to a special adventure in improvisational theater where you share a short reflection or a story about your vision for Boulder, and then watch professional improv actors enact YOUR story on the spot using movement, music, and dramatic spoken word. 

The city of Boulder is developing the next Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP) to set priorities and goals for the future and the BVCP writers want to hear from YOU! Motus Playback Theater is here to help you express what you feel will build “A Boulder Future.” By sharing our stories we can influence the direction of Boulder for the next 20 years!

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Bolder. Boulder. Better. With Motus Playback Theater
7:00 PM19:00

Bolder. Boulder. Better. With Motus Playback Theater

  • Canyon Theater at the Boulder Public Library (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

What is your vision for Boulder over the next 20 years? What community issues are most important to you? What community assets are unseen or underutilized in the Boulder Valley that could support our shared future? Do you want to feel seen and heard by policy writers for the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan?

Motus Theater invites you to a special adventure in improvisational theater where you share a short reflection or a story about your vision for Boulder, and then watch professional improv actors enact YOUR story on the spot using movement, music, and dramatic spoken word. 

The city of Boulder is developing the next Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP) to set priorities and goals for the future and the BVCP writers want to hear from YOU! Motus Playback Theater is here to help you express what you feel will build “A Boulder Future.” By sharing our stories we can influence the direction of Boulder for the next 20 years!

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